You have found the site that will give you more information than you could ever want to know about our upcoming wedding. Well, eventually it will. The big day is set for June 8th, 2002. Both Ruth and I plan on attending, so you should too. We will have a small reception immediately following the ceremony. A larger reception will be held in Oklahoma City a couple weeks afterwards for all of our family and friends who were not able to make the trip to Fort Myers Beach. You will find the most up-to-date information regarding the wedding, reception, and other information regarding the festivities on this page. Should you have any questions, contact us at any time. You can email Tim at

Read about Our Story.

Check out our Wedding Photos.

Take a look at our Honeymoon Photos.


  CEREMONY \ser-e-mo-ne\ n : a formal act prescribed by law, ritual, or conventionRECEPTION \ri-sep-shen\ n : a social gathering at which guests are formally welcomedREGISTRY \re-je-stre\ n : a place of registrationen·gage·ment \in gįyjment\ n: an agreement to marry guest book \gest book\  n : a book or register that visitors or guests sign



Read the letter we sent out with our wedding invitations (*.PDF format).

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Last Updated 05/24/2003

ã 2001 - Young Family Enterprises, Inc.