Pre-Birth Info

Sonograms and more!

UPDATED 04/16/2009

Welcome Matthew!

Matthew was born at 7:52 a.m. on 4/16/2009.  He was 7 lbs 7.2 oz and 19-1/2 inches longs.  Photos taken the morning of Matthew’s birth and the rest of the hospital stay.

UPDATED 04/16/2009

One week old

The boys adjust to a new brother and some artistic pics.

Two weeks old

The baby is healthy and back to his birth weight.

Three weeks old

Matthew is doing very well.  His neck is getting stronger.  His eyes are still blue.

Four weeks old

Matthew has grown so fast.

Five weeks old

Matthew’s neck is pretty strong now.

Six weeks old

Matthew is doing great.

Seven weeks old

Matthew had his first smile.

Eight weeks old

Matthew is cooing and is a happy baby.

Nine weeks old

Matthew can hold his head up and has become more talkative.  He enjoys having mini-conversations but gets bored easily.

Ten weeks old

Matthew goes to Florida.

Eleven weeks old

Matthew is full of smiles.