Pre-Birth Info

Sonograms and more!

UPDATED 04/16/2009

Birth and first week

The boys adjust to a new brother and some artistic pics.

Second week

Just a baby and his brother’s.  His neck is starting to gain some strength.

Third week

Can now throw his body around.

Fourth week


Fifth week

Matthew is quite jealous.

Sixth week

12 lbs 2 oz!

Seventh week

First glimpses of his smile.  Trip to the OKC zoo and the Yukon duck pond.

Eighth week


Ninth week

Mom, Matthew, and Paul spent the week at home just relaxing.  Dad and Thomas are busy with the world.  Mom realizes this is the last time to spend this much time with her sweet babies.

Tenth week

Poor baby has his first ear infection and it is a double one.  L

Eleventh week

Last normal week of maternity leave

Twelth week
